19 April, 2010

Victorian Gothic Prototypes

OMG, just got back my prototypes of the newest "Victorian Gothic" designs! The lace collar looks FANTASTIC.

These pieces look amazingly delicate but are actually incredibly solid. The intricate design was achieved via looking at vintage lace pieces are the whorls and loops of the designs.

In this series we will have black pieces, white pieces, black and white layered pieces, red transparent pieces and transparent/etched pieces. We're also looking at coloured paints to bring the rainbow to the Danielle Kathleen aesthetic.

Hope you all like the prototypes!

xx, Danielle Kathleen


So, Shop Handmade told me something wonderful today- you guys are already popping in and asking about Victorian Gothic! This pretty much made my day. That said, these pieces are still in production - : ( 

BUT they'll be in Canberra in 2-4 weeks! Don't stress, they're coming sooooon. 

Thanks so much for the love, my dear readers-

xx (once again) Danielle


  1. Oh la la, i hope you put these in Shop Handmade too, they are gorgeous!! Love Posie

  2. Check out the Shop Handmade blog, i nominated you as my featured pick of the month!! Love Posie

  3. Dear Jennie/ codename: Posie-

    Thank you sooooo much!!! That was so nice of you. I'll go take a look right now!

    And, yes, I plan to put some of these pieces into Handmade, provided everything goes well. I would totally love to go to a market, so if that happens I'll launch this series there, I think. : )

    x, Danielle Kathleen
