Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay. Also, um, *freaking out*.
Now Danielle Kathleen has to choose 20 of the very best designs (and with over... um... 70? ...designs, that's soooo hard to choose!) to put into the shop, and they simply MUST BE the very best. The problem being, um, we're nearly sold out of some... So, on to order more! You could help, even, by saying which 20 are totally not lame! Yay.
Another way way awesome thing happening, oh... right about now...
It's our Un-Birthday! I know! 6 months! How could this all happen so quickly?! Danielle Kathleen was born in September last year when in defense against exams Miss Danni put mouse cursor to computer screen and drew her very first design (A bunny! Awwww). Sadly, the bunny didn't pan out- but Danielle Kathleen Jewellery did!
In the wonderful event of our very merry Un-Birthday Danielle Kathleen have decided to celebrate in a craaaazy, wacky way! A Very Merry Un-Birthday To Me SECRET SALE!
Tomorrow, 27th of March (Saturday!), from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm we're a'setting up shop, yes'um, and if you say the crazy mysterious secret sale code words *shifty look, whispers* "Victorian Gothic Sale!* *gasp* you will receive a truly amaaaaazing $5.00 off your purchase! I know, it's insane! $5.00! You could use that to buy... two student coffees! OOOOOO!
Can you tell how GIDDY we truly, really, wonderfully are??
Come to Gorman House tomorrow, eat something, spend your extra $5.00 of vintage cr- uh- stuff on the stall next door and say "Happy Un-Birthday, pretty lady!" We'll cry if you don't!
XX, Danielle Kathleen
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