Wow, what a success! The day was hot, long and large, but my goodness were the "Memories" commented on! The most popular on the day, by far, were the beating anatomical hearts, all the pendants selling out faster than hot cakes! Then I'd say the birds and voodoo dolls were a close second. I had a large amount of verbal interest in all my bugs and creepy crawlies- several stag beetles sold- but purchases in that regard are more limited. I think I freaked one lady out completely by waxing poetic on the beauty of the wasp, and another young man said (and I quote) "that is such a wank!" when I told him of the difficulties of finding a perfect apple image to represent an apple, because real apples look only moderately like the iconic shape we're all so familiar with. True, yes! Wank, maybe.
Online purchases were vastly different- the magic mirrors were the most popular in that forum, though the sausage dog and stag beetles were under demand.
A special thanks to all my lovely girls- Maxi, for not only inspiring the collection (my muse, lol) but being my best and brightest customer, Stella for her continued dedication to my
professional self and her friendship, my mum and dad for their support and assistance on the day, Natalee Byron for contributing her art, and MOST of all Georgia Harrison, who without her presence, support and willingness to get involved (despite being in the middle of her busiest and most stressful part of the year) I might not have made it to or enjoyed the event at all! I love you, hunny bun!

Danielle Kathleen.
P.S. Thanks Stella for the photos!
yay! my photos turned out so well, don't u think?