I graduated from university last December.
For people that knew me well, or that I'd met in person over 2009/2010 while my laser cut acrylic business was running, this will be old news. For the rest of you who may have been wondering where I went, it was deep into the terrifying realms of my final year of university. Now that I've finished my Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Visual Arts, its onto the real world for me.
In latest news, I've been working on some designs for a new, completely different project. Whereas before I was creating laser cut pieces that reflected characters and narratives, Danielle Kathleen will now reflect the personal aesthetic of myself as an artist and a contemporary jewellery crafter. You may see a revival of some of the motifs of the original line, but from this point we'll be working in new, sophisticated forum of creation.
I hope to reveal my new designs soon-
Crossed fingers and hoping that my work will be equally loved today as it was in 2010.
Love Danielle.