18 December, 2009

Last Sale of 2009!

Tomorrow will be my last sale of the year! Tomorrow, Saturday 18th of December, I'll be selling my Memories at Gorman House markets, Braddon, Canberra from 9.00 until 4.00. I'll be showing the latest MiniArt pieces, the Medal of (Fashion) Honour series, as well as my long term ranges like the Fairytales. This will be the biggest example of my work on a stall yet, so make sure you stop by and have a squiz! I also have it on good authority that Gorman House has sold out of stall space, which means that the whole market is jam packed with creative juices. So, if jewellery isn't your thing, maybe something else is? 

After the market I'm off on holidays, to the South Coast. In the New Year I'll start up again, first at Broulee's Art on the Path, and then back at Gorman House in late January/early February. I'll be blogging on my ideas and designs over the next few weeks, but officially will only be contactable through Etsy or email. 

Some ideas I'm tossing around:

Party plan
Circus stylin'
Fashion show
Wall art
3D memories
Commission work
and MORE! 

I hope I see some of you tomorrow, and I hope everyone has a very very Merry Christmas! 

Danielle Kathleen

* * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Today's market was INTENSE! I had such a fantastic day, and met some of loveliest people! Over 40 of my pieces were sold, which is soooo exciting. I had repeat customers, word of mouth customers and HEAPS of people who just walked by and were compelled to stop. 

I can't wait until next time I'm there!

XOX, all you awesome market goers. 

15 December, 2009

MiniArt Memories

The newest range that I've created in my 'Memories' work are a reflection of the set up I have at the markets. Usually, in order to display my jewellery to the greatest effect I use a large single frame with the majority of smaller and most complicated pieces together. Set up around these are four or five black picture frames that have some featured pieces framed within them. This set up echoes some of my inspirations, such as silhouette portraits, like these:

While at Gorman House the organiser Kathy Lippmeier suggested I sell some of the pieces framed permanently, and not just displayed in frames. Thinking about it (and seeing the more delicate pieces that will break after two or three wears, like ants and beetles, that I had just about written off) I took the advice on board and started framing some pieces in mini versions of the glossy black picture frames. 

And so, the MiniArt range was born! My favourite is the red flamingo, but all the pieces look rather beautiful in the frames. These will appear at the next market I attend- which, hopefully, will be Gorman House this Saturday, but may not be until into the New Year.

In the mean time I can always be contacted by Facebook (Danielle Kathleen) and Email (danielle.kathleen@live.com) or via my Etsy store. 

Happy Christmas,
Danielle Kathleen

13 December, 2009

Gone Coastal

This weekend I spent my market time at the South Coast, Broulee/Moruya. Moruya was a taaad disappointing on the day- I contacted the markets really late, so the location I had was on the outskirts, and it wasn't ideal for sales. However! I made LOTS of friends with local families, gave out my contact details and stickers to the kids, and in general had a lovely day on the water front. Even now I've had contact with my new friends, and I'd love to get closer links with my second home. 

Back in Broulee the Art On The Path event was held on Sunday morning, run by my good friend Marie of the Broulee Community Council. The event is an opportunity for local artists to show their work to the community, and it raised money for community projects like extensions on the Broulee path ways, donations for the local schools and more. I had a little stall in the middle of it all, and felt completely accepted and involved in the community where my parents are slowly retiring to. The Broulee community is amazingly talented, and had a really great day with my mum, just hanging out. Happily, I did sell a few of my range, but even more happily I made some contacts I'd hope will last for a lifetime. 

All in all, this weekend was a pleasure! I'm spending a couple of months with my family in Broulee, so I plan to be back at the Art On The Path a week into the new year. 

Love Danielle Kathleen

06 December, 2009

Market Culture

I had my second ever stall today, at Gorman House markets in Civic. It was a smashing success, selling nearly double what I sold on site last time. It makes sense, of course, considering that I was directly accessing my immediate target market. I totally enjoyed the day. Gorman House has such an eclectic vibe, chillaxed and easy. I will SO be back. 

Today I had an interesting discussion with some of the stallies too. Recently in Canberra there has been a massive spike in market venues. The farmers and food markets are getting a great rep, the trash and treasures on Sunday mornings go off in the second hand department, Old Bus Depot is opening on Saturdays, as well as the usual Sundays, and Gorman House on Saturdays is still as popular as ever. However, the new comers Handmade Canberra and Ginger Lane are the ones that are the big news. 

These two markets boast the interesting title of "artist handmade creations". This, on any other day, would have me panting. However, looking at those price tags makes me want to scream. I'm sorry if this offends, but there is a certain acceptance in the market setting that the prices you offer are AFFORDABLE and REASONABLE. I can acknowledge the fact that my jewellery is underpriced. However, I think you'll find that the customer is more inclined to open themselves to the prices I offer, and return, than what I probably should charge. I don't WANT to price myself out of a sale. I WANT to sell my pieces, and feel both satisfied with the sale, and that THEY are satisfied with it. I don't want my customers to resent the purchase later on. Handmade and the business, money obsessed vibe it gives off are giving artists a bad name. 

The problem, (I think) isn't that the artists are doing it- its the markets themselves. Handmade, in order to qualify for their market, insists you apply, citing your logo, packaging, product, etc so that they can decide if you're even suitable for their events in the first place. They charge a base payment of about $150.00 just for their smallest, poorly situated stall, the price of the largest, central stalls closer to mid-200's. Compare this to Gorman House, at $30 for the day. And to think, if you're at Handmade you need to make AT LEAST the price of the stall back before you can even make a profit, and you can see why the prices have skyrocketed. And this is supposed to be the hub of all things artist made in Canberra? Puh-lease. 

What I'd like to see is something like the Rose Street markets in Melbourne crop up. A fresh face, committed to just providing a cheap venue to truly celebrate artistry in Canberra. Let's cull all the bullshit money obsession. Let's see new art, not the tired oft-seen stalls at Old Bus Depot. Let's have a funky coffee stall at one end, a live band at the other, and REAL, FRESH, AFFORDABLE art in the centre of it all. And, most of all, let's keep stall costs down. When the stallies are happy, the art is fun and money doesn't even enter into it. 

Kudos to Gorman House for keeping the dream alive - even if the second hand junk is still dominating. ; ) 
